高桥是2017年春季威斯康星大学欧克莱尔班第二个被命名为国家历史名胜名录的项目. The Soo Line Railroad Bridge, referred to locally as the S-Bridge, near Banbury Place was named to the state and national registers in 2022.
Rachel Lange, curator at the Chippewa Valley Museum, was a student in the 2017 UW-Eau Claire public history class. 她的团队在她完成本科学业时研究了s桥的历史, 她刚搬回欧克莱尔工作,就发现那座桥已经登记在册了.
“我们在项目早期就知道,这些桥梁最终可能会被列入登记册, but knowing that they actually did has been incredibly cool,” says Lange, who earned a bachelor’s degree in public history at UW-Eau Claire. “A lot of time and effort went into the projects, and it was a full-circle moment for me.”
“这真的是帮助我适应研究项目的关键,而不仅仅是事件和人,” Lange says. “This is a skill I use every day in my job.”